On the plane
This is Shawn's 'virgin' flight Thankfully he was quite ok while on the plane. There's no bassinet for him so he sat on our laps/empty seats (good that the flight was not full :P)
This is Shawn's 'virgin' flight Thankfully he was quite ok while on the plane. There's no bassinet for him so he sat on our laps/empty seats (good that the flight was not full :P)
They gave Shawn child meal instead of infant meal. Haha..the food ended up in YC and my stomach since he didn't eat much. Shawn cried a little when I held him on my lap, refused to let him wander on the plane. Other than that, he 'survived' well on the plane.
Cherylin was looking forward to activity pack that airline usually gave to kids. She's disappointed when there's none. Also no in flight entertainment for her. Poor thing hoh. Luckily it's a short flight.
At Taipei 101
Our first stop of the day - Taipei 101. Had our lunch at the foodcourt, next hot mini shabu shabu in the cold weather. Me bought a cake set too - cranberry cheesecake with mocha (hiya, too busy eating and forgot to take picture). Yummy.
We went for our sightseeing after departing Taipei 101. Oh, what's this place huh? I actually forgotten the name. Have to go home to look at my itinerary.
Shilin Night Market
Our next stop was the famous Shilin Night Market in Taipei. Gosh, we were only given about 1.5hrs. A bit too rush, i feel, for us to explore the place fully. So we just had to make do with whatever time that we had and cover as much stalls as possible. F
irst thing YC did was to rush to his favourite chicken cutlet stall (we came to Taipei in Nov 2004 when I was expecting Cherylin - YC fell in love with this chicken cutlet stall since then :P).
Shawn was so tired that he fell asleep while we were at the night market. Hee, he's holding on to the stroller while he slept. So cute.
Hotel Room
Some pictures of the hotel room. Again, i can't recall what's the name of the hotel. Gotta go home dig for the info too :P