Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Shawn with 公公 and 婆婆
Shawn rarely takes picture with his grandparents. The one with gong gong was taken during ryan's bday party while the one with po po was taken during keith's bday party.

FP Jumperoo (Part 2)
Earlier, I was saying that Shawn does not seem to enjoy the jumperoo (which i thought is a waste). About 2 weeks ago, i realised Shawn is enjoying jumping in the jumperoo, and he can jump real high. Cherylin told me she showed didi how to jump. Guessed Shawn learnt from jiejie the skill of jumping. We could leave him in the jumperoo for a good 45mins. Hee.. good cos it means i can have my dinner in peace. but my mum said can't let him jump t0o much at nite else he'll have nite mare.

Cherylin away from home
YC is on reservist these 2 weeks. Hence, we didn't bring Cherylin home since Mon (only bring Shawn and her back on Fri nite with the help of my mum). Am afraid that by the end of the 2 weeks, Cherylin will refuse to go home with us. Come to think of it, maybe not. Cos my mum will be away for holiday for 6 days straight after YC's reservist ends. So she will be staying with us for at least 6 days consecutively. Better tell myself to stop being so paranoid.
Fridge spoilt?
I got a fright 2 nites ago. On Mon nite, after expressing milk, i opened the fridge to place my pump into it. To my horror, the light was off when the door was opened. My 1st reaction was "what will happen to my ebm?". Luckily YC was allowed to come home while on reservist. So I quickly called out to him. I think I would have cried if there's no one at home. The thought of all my ebm going to waste freaked me out. Upon inspecting the fridge, we are not very sure if it's indeed spoilt (cos i can still feel the coldness when i open the freezer). Instead of taking chance, YC suggested bringing the ebm to his aunt's hse (she has a big deep freezer). At least i can set my mind in peace. I left a bottle of unfrozen ebm in the freezer that nite, to test out if the fridge is still working. Ended up it's xu jing yi chang, it's only the light bulb that's spoilt. Hopefully nothing will happen to my fridge hence forth, at least during the time when I'm still bfdg.
Birthday Celebrations - One after another
We've been attending birthday parties for consecutive weeks since late July.:
27 Jul - Ryan's birthday
3 Aug - KX's birhtday
9 Aug - Da Jiu's birthday
10 Aug - Shannon's birthday
17 Aug - Keith's birthday
So Cherylin got to sing birthday songs, help serve birthday cakes for the past 4 weekends! She used to be reluctant when we asked her to help distribute cakes. Nowadays, she'll go up to the table where the birthday cake is placed, get ready the serviettes for the cake cutting/serving. She also enjoyed handling over the present to the birthday boy/girl's mummy. I think she takes it as an SOP (cos when Keith's mummy asked Cherylin to pass the gift to Keith. Cherylin replied "no, must give to mummy").
27 Jul - Ryan's birthday
3 Aug - KX's birhtday
9 Aug - Da Jiu's birthday
10 Aug - Shannon's birthday
17 Aug - Keith's birthday
So Cherylin got to sing birthday songs, help serve birthday cakes for the past 4 weekends! She used to be reluctant when we asked her to help distribute cakes. Nowadays, she'll go up to the table where the birthday cake is placed, get ready the serviettes for the cake cutting/serving. She also enjoyed handling over the present to the birthday boy/girl's mummy. I think she takes it as an SOP (cos when Keith's mummy asked Cherylin to pass the gift to Keith. Cherylin replied "no, must give to mummy").
Friday, August 15, 2008
Updates on Vaccinations
Shawn has completed all the required vaccinations till 6 mths old. Wanted to update long ago but kept forgetting:
5-in-1 - 2nd Dose (15 Jun)
Brought Shawn for his jab on 15 Jun, Sun. Went to the clinic early at about 8.10am to beat the crowd. Shawn was still in dreamland when we carried him. Doctor took his weight and height. Weight was 7.6kg (but must discount a bit cos of his wet diaper). Height wise I can’t see clearly when it was being measured. Shawn cried a little when the vaccine was being injected. Cherylin looked on by the side. Didn’t take any pictures as YC was not with us.
Rotavirus - 2nd Dose (25 Jun)
Wt: 7.5kg Ht: 67cm
Thought it'll be a breeze to administer the 2nd dose since Shawn took the vaccine happily the last time we brought him to Dr Heng for the 1st dose. Dunno why Shawn kept crying when the vaccine was given to him. Maybe he's sleepy? The entire process took a few minutes (cos i videocam-ed and saw the time lapsed).
6-in-1 - 3rd Dose (13 Jul)
Wt: 7.65kg Ht: Oops, can't remember :P
5-in-1 - 2nd Dose (15 Jun)
Brought Shawn for his jab on 15 Jun, Sun. Went to the clinic early at about 8.10am to beat the crowd. Shawn was still in dreamland when we carried him. Doctor took his weight and height. Weight was 7.6kg (but must discount a bit cos of his wet diaper). Height wise I can’t see clearly when it was being measured. Shawn cried a little when the vaccine was being injected. Cherylin looked on by the side. Didn’t take any pictures as YC was not with us.
Rotavirus - 2nd Dose (25 Jun)
Wt: 7.5kg Ht: 67cm
Thought it'll be a breeze to administer the 2nd dose since Shawn took the vaccine happily the last time we brought him to Dr Heng for the 1st dose. Dunno why Shawn kept crying when the vaccine was given to him. Maybe he's sleepy? The entire process took a few minutes (cos i videocam-ed and saw the time lapsed).
6-in-1 - 3rd Dose (13 Jul)
Wt: 7.65kg Ht: Oops, can't remember :P
Shawn is a brave little boy. He didn't make any noise when he was poked with the needle and injected with the vaccine. Dr Lawrence was as surprised as I did. He didn't gain much weight since 4 weeks ago though. Height wise i think it's abt the same too. Okie, the next 'compulsory' vaccination for him will be the one for chicken pox (to be taken at 12 mths).
Sleeping thru the night
My mum told me earlier this week that my little nephew, Bryan is already sleeping thru the nite (and he's more than 3.5mths younger than Shawn). My brother told me Bryan will sleep from 12mn to 7am. Me so envious leh. Why am I so 'pai mia'? Cherylin only started to sleep thru the night when she was 10+ mths. Hence, I'm sort of prepared that Shawn will not start early either. Nevetheless, whenever I hear from mummies/daddies that their bbs has already sleep thru the nite, so how i can help but feel envious. My panda eyes are getting worse, and so are my mum's :P
Funny Sleeping Pose
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