Was given 2 days' MC hence not going to work today. Before YC left for work, told him my tummy is 'hardened' (meaning there's contraction). Shortly after, the tummy turned soft again. So I still thought it's false alarm and YC proceeded to go to work.
Shortly after he left, I woke up and had my usual morning shower. Took my breakfast and started to do some packing of bb clothes/my stuff. I experienced more and more regular contraction but kept brushing it off. It was only at around 9.50am that I decided to time the interval. I was having contraction at an interval of 10mins! Still trying to keep cool and think it's 'not time yet', I continued with doing my stuff. At 10.30am, I went to the toilet and realised I had show! It was then I finally came face to face with reality that it's really time to go to the hospital. Immediately called YC and told him that. He tried to rush home asap and informed his parents and brother in the meantime.
While waiting, my contraction got worse, the interval got shorter and I was perspiring all over (out of fear i think). I could feel that little baby is pushing down and had the feeling that he's coming out! Told baby to guai guai wait for daddy's return. Did some last min packing of my hospital bag and got myself changed.
My MIL and WR arrived at abt 11.10am. Told them I can't wait till YC's return. Hence we headed to hospital and informed YC to go there directly.
On the way to hospital, I called Jenny to inform her and that I could feel that bb's coming out anytime. Jenny said Kenneth is at the Woodlands Clinic and would call to inform him.
Reached Mt A. Put on wheel chair and was pushed to the deliver ward immediately. It's 11.42am then. I was already fully dilated but gotta wait for Kenneth's arrival. Hence, I had to 'dong' the intense contraction for another 20 mins. Kenneth reached at about 12.02pm. He broke the waterbag and I was asked to get ready to push when the next contraction comes. Finally, Bb came out at 12.06pm after one push and i was glad that everything was over.
YC and my mum commented that little bb looks exactly like Cherylin when she was born. :)

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