Monday, February 25, 2008

Sibling rivalry/jealousy?

Friends/relatives had been telling me to prepare Cherylin for the arrival of her didi. We did tell her that she'll have a didi soon before Shawn was borned. But I suppose no matter how much we prepare her (kids will be kids afterall), she will at some time be difficult to handle.

When she's in good mood, what will she do?

1) gently sayang didi
2) gently talk to him/wanna teach him to read ABCs/wanna him to play toys with her
3) help us when changing bb/bathing (e.g. she'll bring my tissue/handkerchief, bring towel to 外婆, etc)
4) tell us when didi cries (her fav phrase: 妈咪,弟弟哭了,快点去抱他)

When she's in bad mood/cranky (usually when she's sleepy/has lack of sleep)
1) purposely disturb/hit didi
2) wanna 外婆carry her instead of didi
3) says she doesn't like didi

Overall, I would say Cherylin has been quite a good gal since the arrival of didi. That day when YC's aunt visited us and jokingly said she'll bring didi home with her when she carried him, Cherylin was so worried and kept telling me to carry didi back. She's afraid that YC's aunt will really bring didi back. Haha...

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