Thursday, January 1, 2009

Farewell Party for Cherylin's Playgroup (12 Dec 08)

Oops, i forgot to blog this. 12 Dec was Cherylin's last day at her playgroup (she's going to a new centre next year). There was no class on that Fri. Instead, all kids were asked to bring a food item (potluck) for the farewell party. I took leave on that day to bring Cherylin to the centre. We brought fishballs and kueh bulu. I left after Cherylin went into the centre. Came back at 10:15am as advised by the teacher. The parents then went in to join in the party. Wow, there's lots of food. I think most kids like fishballs. Hence, there wasn't much left by then (which is a good sign).
The class took a group picture and sang their sual goodbye song.

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