Thursday, May 27, 2010

More time with mummy

1) Next week is the start of school holiday and Cherylin is excited about it. 

This morning, we had a short conversation while sending her to class:

C:  Are you working on next Mon?
Me: Yes
C:  How about Tue?
Me:  Yes
C:  Fri? Thu? Wed?
Me: Yes
Cherylin then sulked.
Me:  Why are you not happy?
Cherylin kept quiet.

I asked if it's because she wants mummy to be with her throughout the holiday and she nodded.  I told her I will take leave one of these days to be with her.  She's still not happy.  Explained that mummy can't spent the entire school holiday with her else I'll have no more leave to bring her for trips.  She finally accepted the fact and went into her classroom. 

I can sense that she very much wanted mummy/daddy to spend more time with her. 

2) Just a week back or so, she had been telling me "Mummy, I want you to come home early.  Can you be back earlier tomorrow?" (as I usually reach mum's home quite late at 8plus to 9pm and will hurrily pack dinner and go home, very little time spent on her).  I feel so bad when she told me this not hust once but twice or thrice.  I tell myself I'll try to leave office early from now on....

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