Sunday, February 8, 2009

Shawn's milestone updates

Just like his sister, Shawn can walk when he's 1 year 1 week old. Nowadays he walks most of the time when he's home (except during weekend when we are outside). He enjoys walking it seems, though he may take longer to reach a destination compared to crawling.

What can he say now? He can:

1) call jie jie. his favourite word, can hear him saying that almost everyday. repeated times so more
2) mum mum - when he wants to eat/drink milk. 2 nites ago, when he cried for milk in early morning. when i carried him in the craddle position, he took off his pacifier and utter "mum mum" before i fed him.
3) wai po - it's true that my mum and I heard him mouthing these 2 words.
4) Ohh - when he drops something on the floor and when something goes wrong.

Other than the above, the usual baby talk of 'ma ma', 'ba ba', 'ehh' comes out from his mouth.

What can he do now? He can:
  1. wave bye bye (he does this by clenching and opening his fist. must have learnt from me cos i did that to him every morning when i goes to work)
  2. do the 'sayang' action (he'll stroke our face from top to bottom, though sometimes used too much strength)
  3. do the "pa pa" sign (pat his chest with his hand)
  4. point to things he wants with his finger
  5. feed himself baby snacks, fruits (banana, orange, apple, strawberry - he loves the korean strawberry)
  6. hold his bottle with two hands (am surprised with this because he hates to be bottle fed)
  7. do the "from sit to stand position" effortlessly\
  8. do the "gong xi gong xi" sign (only do this when he's in the mood)\
  9. listen to instruction (e.g. when we ask him to pass something to us, he's able to understand and do the task correctly; whenever he asked for food that i'm eating, i'll tell him to sit down first which he always follows)
  10. take things out from a container and put them in again
  11. clap his hands
  12. cry when we (me, YC, my mum, Cherylin) scold him (find it very cute - he'll first blink his eyes, then give the pityful look, blink his eyes again and look at us, if we continue to look angry, he'll pout and cry. haha)

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