This time round I've included mum. When I told her so, she didn't want to attend. There's a new policy this year - whoever signed up and didn't turn up will be fined - there must have been many instances where staff didn't turn up and hence wasted on $ that were spent by the organising team. Hence mum agreed to join in the fun after I told her about the penalty that will be imposed. Keke.
We arrived at about 6.15pm (event started at 6pm). Upon registration, each of us was given a goody pack comprising box of raisin, flag, flag tattoo, bag of gems biscuit, etc. We then went to the staff lounge for the refreshment that was catered for all.
There was a quiz session where participant who gave the correct answer will receive a prize (questions were on Singapore, quite cheam i thought, e.g. how big is singapore (in km square), who is the longest serving president, how many merlions are there in singapore, etc). We managed to get a correct answer (there is a total of 5 merlions in singapore) and got a prize. Cherylin was happy to receive the prize (it's a multi colour pen btw).
There was also a birthday celebration (Singapore birthday as well as those who are borned in August) with a huge Singapore Flag design cake. Each of the birthday guy/gal was given a present. Something funny happened while the organisers were giving out the present: Shawn suddenly dashed into the birthday group and stood right in btw the group. In the end, he received a present as well (cos he was so natural that the organisers thought he was within the group). Really funny. Me and mum were laughing at that. When Cherylin saw that didi had got a present, she wanted one too. Told her she can't. Anyway, the present ended up in jie jie's hand (it's a 5-in-1 game board).
Fireworks started at about 820pm. Felt that it's shorter than what we used to see 2 years ago. Everyone was cheering as the fireworks were displayed. Shawn was saying 'pa pa' and yet shouted the cheer (by saying 'yeah') when the rest did so. This funny boy of mine seems to be 'pa pa' of anything that's not familiar to him (just like when Cherylin was a toddler).
The whole event ended at about 845pm.
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