Saturday, April 26, 2008

Visit to PD

Brought Shawn to Kidslink at JE yday. YC had wanted his father/SIL to drive me to the clinic. I insist on travelling on my own via bus/MRT as the place is quite accessible. So no need to trouble others. I took a bus to the clinic and came back via MRT. I was just telling W & J during our dinner that there was once no one gave up seat to my mum who was carrying a sleeping Cherylin while on the MRT. J was saying next time can ask someone nicely to give up their seats. keke.. but i don't think i dare do so. Interestingly, when i dashed into the MRT with Shawn yday, a middle-aged man saw us and immediately asked me to go over to his side. Then he pointed at a young man and asked him to give up his seat. I was quite paiseh then. At the same time, was grateful to that man and kept thanking him. Hee.. should have more of such kind soul around mah. :P

Ok, let's talk about Shawn's visit to PD. Dr Heng examined him after I told him that bb is having cough. Feel good with the way Dr Heng carried out his examination. Feel that it's very thorough. He checked from his back to his front, check the ears, mouth, hands, legs, etc. Then told me his diagnosis: common cold. Dr Heng also commented that a kid gets infected by a sick mummy more easily than a sick daddy. I suppose cos mummy spend more time with the kid? Shawn was given cough and running nose medicine. His weight and height? 6.515kg and 62cm. No wonder my arms are getting tired faster nowadays.

W & I were complaining that most of the PD charges are v ex. The consultation charges itself can easily starts from $60. For yday's visit, Shawn's bill came up to $67.90 and I thot it's ok. Not too ex considering it's his first visit. :)

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